



最常见到的强调句结构是It is/was that句型,即把要关注的信息放置在It is/was 和that;之间,基本构成模式是:It is/was +被强调的部分+ that +句子其他成分;当强调某 人时,还可用who代替that。


It is/was that是一个固定的框架,可以框在所需要强调的句式结构中,所以此句型本身在所处的表达结构里并不作任何的句子成分,即如果把It is/ was that/who从所处的句 子结构中撤掉,所剩的句子表达仍然是完整的;被强调的对象或成分是灵活多变的,可以是主 语、宾语、表语和状语等。


It was Ted who/that broke the news to me.(强调主语)


It was this article that they talked about last week.(强调宾语)


It was the president of the committee that we elected her.(强调宾语补足语)


Perhaps it‘s because he’s a misfit that I get along with him.(强调原因状语)


It was from Francis that she first heard the news.(强调地点状语)


It was not until she spoke to her husband that she agreed to take the offer.(强调时间状语)


注:状语成分在被强调的诸多成分中占据特殊的地位,在阅读理解和长难句翻译中也是更需关注的。此外,读者会发现:上述各例句中的强调句型(划线部分)作为一固定框架,如果从 所处的句子表达中撤掉,所剩的句子结构仍然是完整的。



It is the bank that/which will lose,not the customer.


It is the theatre at Oxford that/which is on the verge of extinction,not at Cambridge



It is the uses (to which television is put) that determine its value to society.


【注释】put sth. to use将付诸实用

It was from Stephen that she first heard of the man (referred to as a specialist).


More often it is the President,and not the members of his cabinet,who appeals to the populace.


It is the news that deprives most parents of the hope that there is a safe and socially approved road to a kind of life they themselves have not had,but their children can.

【译文】正是这条消息使许多家长失去了希望,即能够找到一个安全且社会认同的道 路,以过上他们从未拥有但他们的孩子可以的生活。

It is the decline(of active play) and,I suppose,the enormous growth (of purely receptive entertainment) that have given rise to a sociological interest in the problem.


Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine,especially if it be wrapped in white paper by a clever chemist.


It was the training(that he had as a young man)that made him such a good enginerr


It is when the control (over immediate environment) is threatened,or violated in some way by other road users that anger and rage result.


【注释】 It is when the control (over immediate environment) is threatened,or violated in some way by other road users that anger and rage result.

此句强调的是 when 引导的时间状语从句,主语是anger and rage,谓语动词是result;在时间状语从句中括号中的over短语是 control的后置定语,in some way和by other road users分别是方式状语和动作发出者。

What is it that causes us to get so angry with other people when we are sitting behind the wheel of our car?


【注释】 What is it that causes us to get so angry with other people//when we are sitting behind the wheel of our car?第一段是句子主干,采用强调结构,强调的成分是主语 What,谓语动词是causes,宾语是us,不定式短语to get so angry with...作宾语补足语;第二 段是when引导的时间状语从句,表示主句谓语动作发生的时间。

When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one expects,it seems to me that there are two causes.


【注释】 When I try to understand(what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one expects),//it seems to me that there are two causes.

此句的第二段是句子主干,结构采用固定句型it seems tha模式;第一段是when引导的时间状语从句,其中:I是主语,谓语是try to understand,宾语是特殊疑问词what引导的名词性从句(即宾语从句);值得关注的是,此宾语从句采用强调句式,疑问代词what是被强调的从句主语,从句谓 语是 prevents。




