



1. 小测验

(1) She is bigger then me. (X)

(2) I will come than. (X)

(3) I ate dinner, and then I cleaned up. (O)

(4) I have more money than my sister. (O)

(5) Back than, I took the bus. (X)

2. Then (adv.) 那么、然后、当时

– often at beginning or end

– sequence / time 通常和时间与次序有关

(1) First I rented the movies. Then I watched all three LOTRs back to back.


(2) We didn’t have the internet back then. 我们那时候并没有网际网路。

(3) Every now and then, I look at my photo albums. 我偶尔会看看我的相簿。

3. Than (conj.) 比较(comparative)、与其

– more than 比……多

– less than 比……少

– ______er than 比……还要……

– rather than 而不是……

(1) Wolverine is better than Cyclops. 《金钢狼》比《独眼怪》还要好。

(2) It cost more money than I thought. 这件物品所要花的钱,比我想像中的还要多。

4. 练习

(1) I went to the store to buy milk. ____ I realized I forgot my wallet at home.

(2) Every now and ____, I buy Smarties.

(3) Abdul is funnier ____ Frank.

(4) Vegetables are more expensive in the Yukon ____ Toronto.

5. 解答

(1) then

(2) then

(3) than

(4) than

