




The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God's, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel's unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy's dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway? 

It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn. 

We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life. 

Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream.


《了不起的盖茨比》出版于1922年斯科特·菲茨杰拉德。这部小说乍一看,似乎是一个简单的爱情故事,但进一步检查揭示了菲茨杰拉德的高超的审查在1920年代美国社会和美国梦的腐败。f·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》(1926),乍一看,关于爱情的小说,理想主义和幻灭。然而,它很快就揭示了隐藏的深度和谜。是什么奇怪的“荒原”的意义在西卵和纽约之间,桃金娘威尔逊满足她的死,外星景观的眼睛T J Eckleburg主持的眼睛,像上帝一样,“看到一切”?和我们的小说的象征意义(绿灯,美国钞票的颜色,伯恩斯在黛西的码头,引用的元素——土地、海洋和地球——对Gatby声称掌握的“东方”和“西方”之间的反差),或其微妙的个性化第一叙述者,谦逊的尼克·卡拉韦?这是一个新颖的好奇和着迷的读者。显然,作为一个自称“西方”的故事,它正在探索的问题对美国和美国意味着什么。从这个意义上说盖茨比可能是传奇作品,“伟大的美国小说”,继《白鲸记》和《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》等工作。我们将更详细地回到这方面的小说。然而,我们还需要知道它是一个有很多的小说是说更抽象的问题与信仰,信仰和错觉。虽然植根于菲茨杰拉德的“爵士时代”是经常而命名,它也是一个小说,应考虑与作品像旷野,探索“核心的空旷的事情”,是现代生活的表面下方。艾略特自己评论说这部小说“感兴趣和兴奋我比任何的新小说我看过,英语或美国,数年”。从更遥远的角度可以看到盖茨比作为一个悲剧人物的典型,理想主义的缩影和纯真,争取订单,目的和意义在一个混乱的和充满敌意的世界。从这个意义上说盖茨比包含宗教和形而上学的维度:形状的年轻人一个“自己的柏拉图式的愿景”,谁赋予黛西与宗教本质的价值图,最终去世成虚无,在葬礼上哀叹过去他的浪漫梦想



1922年的春天,一个想要成名名叫尼克·卡拉威(托比·马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)的作家,离开了美国中西部,来到了纽约。那是一个道德感渐失,爵士乐流行,走私为王,股票飞涨的时代。为了追寻他的美国梦,他搬入纽约附近一海湾居住。他的邻居是一位经常举办派对且极具神秘色彩的百万富翁,名叫盖茨比(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)。海湾的对岸住着他的表亲,黛西(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)和她那视女性为玩物的贵族丈夫,汤姆·布坎南(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰)。自此尼克跌入了一个充满魅力的世界,这个世界充斥着富豪和他们编制的假象、爱与谎言。 


1. I'm paralyzed with happiness.


2. Daisy, don't create a scene.


3. I decided to get roaring drunk.


4. Of course, you don't need to take my word for it, old sport.


5. I have my hands full.


6. But he was once again dirt-poor.


7. I couldn't care less about the parties.


8. May I save the next dance?


9. Have it your own way, Tom.


10. Well, I have a second sight sometimes that tells me what to do.


11. I'm all run down.


12. I wised up to something funny these last two days.


13. You make it worse by crabbing about it.


14. If you're going to make personal remarks, I won't stay here a minute.


15. Now, once in a while I go off on a spree.

