
刚刚过去的春节大家都是怎么过的呢?刚刚过去的春节档电影不好看?想要吐槽(complain about),却不知道该用什么单词?快来看老外都是怎么吐槽的!


I think the show is mindless. 这个节目太无脑了!

It’s so cheesy! 太假了/太做作了!

That was a pretty weak episode. 这集不怎么样。

I don’t find it funny at all. 我没觉得哪里逗。

It is too unrealistic/lame/boring. 太不真实了/太烂了/太无聊了。

It was so stupid I almost fell asleep. 太无聊了,我差点睡着了。


Do you remember the scene when…? Why was she doing that? 你记得……那一幕吗?她为什么要那么做呢?

I love the scene when… 我好爱……那一幕。

The … scene between A and B was absolutely amazing. A和B演对手戏的那一幕简直绝了。

How much of it do you think was true? 你觉得这部电影有多少是真的?


That show is hilarious! 那个剧太搞笑了!

It’s super funny.超级有意思!

It’s action-packed. 剧情太刺激了。

It’s really suspenseful. 情节真是悬念迭起。

It was fascinating. 有意思,好看。

It’s so awesome! 太好看了!

The movie was great. I liked everything about it. 电影太棒,我各种爱啊。

It was the best movie I’ve seen in a long time. 这是很长一段时间以来我看过的最好的电影了。

It was better than I thought. 比我想象得要好。


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