



He often wears his work clothes at work。
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工作服 work clothes,上班时 at work

颜色: 整体着装从上至下不能超过三种颜色,这样从线条整体上看会更流畅 、更典雅、否则会显得杂乱而没有整体感。 
款式: 男士穿戴不是必须很时尚或很流行,只要简洁大方,颜色沉稳,最主要的是上衣和裤子的搭配,一定要合理。如:休闲服装一定要与休闲类的服饰来搭配,整装也要讲究整体的统一,不要混着来组合。 



Work clothes He often wears his work clothes at work。
工作服 work clothes,上班时 at work Appropriate workplace dress can boss, colleagues and customers left a good impression, let you work like a duck to water, and extra points for you; and the color match in the overall workplace dress is can not be ignored a ring. One kind of color displays is one kind of style, the different color can skillfully match the thousand kind of extraordinary style. Color match suit with a clean and pure color actually everyone for the range of colors, styles is different, this and the color type and style in your personal, professional color consultant can help you measure is most suitable for your color and style, so you can save time and money to buy exclusive to your workplace installed. Currently we choose the color of the clothes of the workplace are too conservative, especially some women, choice of color are too masculine, like old some gray, black, soft color, artificial blurs their gender. "Actually not, do not equal to not beautiful, after all, is a woman, don't dress too neutral. In addition, the color of the shoes and bags can also choose to color, because they are a small area of the decoration, so it will add a new set of monotonous. Style match different dress occasions color different workplace dress range extends a lot, generally divided into formal suits, semi formal attire, cocktail party dress, including, of course, participate in collective activities held by the company, such as tourism, sports and so on. Formally set for some of the more serious occasions, such as business negotiations, meetings, many dress, formal trousers is given priority to, color is rigorous; semi formal Tianjin professional installed may currently Chinese workplace more purposes, such as some slightly more formal dress, sweaters, West skirts, color can be beautiful, don't get bogged down in some grey; cocktail party dress as far as possible with small dress mainly, such as harness satin skirt, yarn skirt, sports and leisure occasions multi with bright colors and leisure, sports and installed primarily. In addition to some very formal Party, Ordinary Company cocktail party, party, you can wear some small dress, do not have to be too grand, exaggerated. First choice of fabric to silk, thin Sha, flash point, you can wear some more dazzling, exaggerated ornaments, shoes can choose satin fabric, foot wear shoes toe lotion; bag for a small evening bag etc.; scarves, shawls and add the atmosphere of the evening is a good choice, such as a shawl can by the office of public shake the body turns into the party queen. A fresh and elegant work clothes, is polite, sometimes not wearing clothes with makeup is no different. The workplace makeup mainly to light, but the reception Party, can be a little strong, focus on deepening eyes and lips. Appropriate accessories is the finishing touch of the pen, deserve to act the role of the workplace to to subtle elegance; cocktail party, party, on the other hand, can choose flashes of dazzling, colorful jewelry.

得体的职场打扮,可以留给上司、同事及客户一个好印象,让你工作如鱼得水,并为你加分;而色彩搭配学在整体的职场装扮中是不容忽视的一环。一种颜色表现的是一种风格,不同颜色能巧妙搭配出千百种非凡风格。 颜色搭配 套装用干净纯正的颜色 其实每个人适合的颜色范围、款式是不同的,这与你个人的色彩类型与风格有关,专业的色彩顾问可以帮助你测出最适合你的颜色与风格,这样可以省时省钱买到专属于你的职场装。目前大家对职场衣服颜色的选择都过于保守,尤其是一些女士,对颜色的选择都过于男性化,总喜欢一些灰、黑、柔旧的颜色,人为地模糊自己的性别。“其实大可不必,能干不等于不漂亮,毕竟都是女人,不要打扮得太中性。 另外,鞋和包的颜色也可以选择艳色,因为它们是小面积的点缀,所以会为一些单调的套装添新。 风格搭配 不同场合着装色彩不同 职场着装范围扩大很多,一般来说分为正式套装、半正式职业装、酒会Party的礼服,当然包括参加公司举行的集体活动,如旅游、运动等。正式套装多用于一些较严肃场合,如商务谈判、会议等,多以裙装、正式裤装为主,颜色较严谨;半正式天津职业装可能在目前中国职场用途较多,比如一些稍正式的连衣裙,针织衫配西裙等,颜色可以靓丽些,不要拘泥于一些灰色;酒会Party的礼服尽量以小礼服为主,比如吊带丝缎短裙、纱裙等,运动、休闲场合多以颜色亮丽的休闲、运动装为主。 除了一些很正式的Party,一般公司酒会、聚会,可以穿一些小礼服,不必过于隆重、夸张。首先面料的选择要以丝缎、薄莎为主,要有闪光点,可以佩戴一些较为炫丽、夸张的饰品;鞋子可以选择丝缎面料,包脚露趾的晚装鞋;包包换成小巧一些的晚装包等;丝巾、披肩也是增添晚装气氛的好选择,比如一件披肩就可以由办公装摇身变为Party Queen。 一个清新淡雅的工作装,是礼貌的表现,有时素面朝天跟未穿衣服并无不同。工作场合妆面以清淡为主,但酒会Party不同,可以稍浓一些,着重加深眼部及唇部。得体的配饰是画龙点睛之笔,工作场合的配饰要以素雅含蓄为主;酒会、Party则不同,可以选择闪烁耀眼、颜色艳丽的饰品。
