关于父亲节的冷知识 – 双语阅读


On Father’s Day, dads all over the world are celebrated for the amazing part they play in their children’s lives: teaching them, playing with them and guiding them.


A father is a role model, a coach and a friend. In order to honor the tireless work of fathers, an international holiday was established: Father’s Day, which is celebrated in June in most countries. Here are some interesting facts about this holiday:


The First Father’s Day Card


Although the history of the formal celebration is about 100 years old, some historians believe that the earliest record of the celebration was found in the ruins of Babylon. Nearly 4000 years ago, a message of good health and long life was carved on a card made out of clay. The writer was a boy named Elmesu, and the well wishes were addressed to his father.


How Father’s Day was Established


The first Father’s Day celebration took place in the US on June 19th, 1910 in Spokane, Washington. After hearing a sermon on Mother’s Day, Sonora Smart Dodd was inspired. She suggested to her pastor that fathers should have a similar holiday celebrating them. She admired her father, William Jackson Smart, very much. He was a Civil War veteran and a single parent who raised his six children after the death of his wife. The event held in 1910 was supported by the mayor of Spokane and the Governor of Washington State.  Years later, Father’s Day became an official holiday, celebrated throughout the world.


Gifts and Cards for Father’s Day

超过1.1亿的贺卡在父亲节这天被送出,成为在世界上仅次于圣诞节,情人节,母亲节, 成为第四受欢迎的寄卡片日。大部分的贺卡包含幽默信息。50%的卡片买给父亲,20%给丈夫,其余30%给祖父外公。说到礼物,领带是最受欢迎的父亲节礼物。

More than 110 million greeting cards are sent on Father’s Day, making it the fourth most popular card-sending holiday in the world after Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Most of the greeting cards have humorous messages. 50% of the cards are purchased for fathers, 20% for husbands and the remaining 30% for grandfathers. When it comes to gifts, neckties are the most popular Father’s Day presents.

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