如何分类运动项目 – 双语阅读


How many sports can you name? Do they have anything in common? Is the sport played on a field or in the water? Does it involve a ball or a paddle or a racquet? How are the points won?

There are many sports and many ways to group them. Sometimes a sport belongs to several categories, but here are some of the most common types.

  • 球类运动(Ball games)是指诸如足球,网球,水球,高尔夫,垒球,保龄球,手球,乒乓球和棒球之类的体育活动。五花八门的球类活动包含了个人型运动和团队型运动,但最主要的就是——要有一个球。

  • Ball games are sports such as football, tennis, water polo, golf, softball, bowling, handball, table tennis and baseball. The list is very long because it includes all individual and team sports that involve the use of a ball.


  • 运动项目也可按场地来分类,比如水上运动(water sports)。游泳,赛艇,潜水,冲浪和水上滑板都是很受欢迎的水上运动。

  • Sports can also be categorized according to the environment they take place in. One example is water sports. Swimming, rowing, diving, surfing and wakeboarding are some of the most popular activities of this type.


  • 季节也是一个分类标准,比如冬季运动(Winter sports):冰上曲棍球,滑雪,花式溜冰,速滑,冰壶这种只有在冰天雪地的时候才能进行的运动。这就是为什么会有夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会

  • Seasons also influence the types of sports we can play. Winter sports, such as ice hockey, skiing, figure or speed skating and curling can only take place where there’s ice and snow. This is why we have both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics.


  • 赛车运动(Motor sports)是一种高速运动,它能使你的肾上腺素激增。这类运动包括F1,赛艇和摩托车越野赛。赢得比赛的勇者通常也会赢得一大批粉丝。


  • Motor sports are high-speed, high-adrenaline sports that involve motor vehicles. Formula 1, boat racing and motocross are all examples of motor sports. The daredevils who win these competitions attract lots of fans.


  • 极限运动(Extreme sports, 也叫 action sports或者adventure sports)是结合了一些难度较高,且挑战性较大之组合运动项目的统称。跳伞,滑浪风帆和极限跳伞都是大家所熟知的极限运动。但要注意的是:如果你是一个极限运动的新手,请确保你有适合的装备,并且要做好一切安全预防措施。


  • Extreme sports, also known as action or adventure sports, is a general term for activities involving speed, height and danger. Skydiving, windsurfing and BASE jumping are some well-known examples. But be warned: if you ever consider trying any of these sports, make sure you have the proper equipment and that you’ve taken all the necessary safety precautions.


  • 田径运动(Athletics 或者 track and field events)算是一个总所周知的运动目类了。这一类别下的个人和团体运动包括长跑, 短跑,马拉松,跳远,铁饼和跨栏。


  • Athletics or track and field events are a very well-known type of sport. Individual and team activities from this category include running, sprints, marathons, long jump, discus throw and hurdles.


  • 体操(Gymnastics)包括了我们常在奥运会上看到的艺术体操,比如平衡木,吊环和自由体操。还有像蹦床, 跳绳和秋千也属于体操。


  • Gymnastics includes the artistic events we see in the Olympic Games, such as the balance beam, still rings and floor gymnastics. Sports like trampolining, skipping and trapeze also fall under this category.


These are just a few of the many types of sports that you can try. Make sure that you learn the rules and be fair to your teammates and competitors!

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