
Here is some expression you can use to start a presentation.

The first greeting phrase I want to share is “Hello and thank you so much for having me. I’m delighted to be here.” This expression is polite and expected. Although it’s not the most creative one, it’s completely acceptable.

After you give a brief greeting, it’s a good idea to tell the audience who you are and why you are there.

Then, you should grab audience’s attention by telling them what you are going to talk about in your presentation. To give out your thesis or your main argument, you can say “I’m going to focus on…”, “I’m going to share with you”,” I’m going to elaborate on…” These sentences give audience an expectation of what your whole presentation is about.

You could also use stronger phrases, such as “It’s more important than ever to…” For example, “In today’s society, it’s more important than ever to protect the endangered species.” This phrase should ring a bell in audience’s mind. The tone of the phrase is affirmative; it establishes your credibility.

1.       “What if.”句型:

例如: “What if you lost all of your money.” (假如你失去了所有钱。)


2.       Tell a story(讲故事):


3.       Use a famous quote(名人名言):


4.       Ask a rhetorical question(问设问句):

例如:” When was last time you felt stressed out?”(上一次你感觉压力很大是什么时候?)这样的问题引导你的观众们主动地将你的演讲和自己的经历联系起来,而不只是被动地听你说。这样会让他们更愿意全程对你的演讲保持兴趣。

5.       Giving an amazing and/or shocking fact (给出一个鲜为人知且让人惊讶的真相): 

比如: “Did you know that 1 in 7 people in the U.S. face hunger every year.”(你知道在美国每7个人中就有1个人生活在饥荒中吗?)在开场时提出一个让人惊讶的事实真相,让观众中对此感到好奇并且想要继续听你对这个话题进行深入讨论。

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