
如果你已经阅读了 1.1.如何写好影评  2.写一篇影评你可能需要的词汇与短语  3.英语中单词首字母的大写原则,准备好写一篇你自己的影评了吗?在这之前,先来学习一下其他作者是如何写影评或者和戏剧评论的吧。

“The film’s tone is so radically earnest at certain points—particularly when it’s dealing with loss and disappointment—that the movie’s logo could be a gigantic ear of corn. In its multicultural casting, its child-centric story, and its emphasis on the validity of feelings, it’s so different from every other recent big-budget live-action fantasy (superhero films included) ….

–by Roger Robert, A Wrinkle in Time
1.According to Robert, what’s the tone of the film A Wrinkle in Time?

  •    A.It’s earnest and emotional.

  •    B.It’s uplifting.

  •    C.It’s dark and creepy.

2.According to Robert, what is the cast of A Wrinkle in Time like?

  •     A.It has many famous actors and actress.

  •     B.It has actors and actress from different countries.

  •     C.The director did poor job in casting.


“If dedication is one requirement, Mr. Kinnear’s performance in “Othello” showcased another talent expected by modern audiences: the ability to make plausible human beings of 400-year-old characters.
In the scene that precedes the murder he reaches high for the spectral weapon. His hand thrashes the air, but as he asks the famous question— “Is this a dagger which I see before me?”—he smiles as if greeting an old friend.”

–by Economists, Shakespeare on Stage: All that may become a man

3.What does the writer think about Mr. Kinnear’s performance in “Othello”?

  •     A.It’s about the average. He needs more dedication.

  •     B.It didn’t meet audience’s high expectation.

  •     C.It’s brilliant and it shows Mr. Kinnear is a talented actor.

4.Why does the author mention the scene precedes the murder?

  •     A.To tell the plot.

  •     B.To make a point about the script.

  •     C.To give an example of how Mr. Kinner’s performance is natural and plausible.


Word List

Radically: 彻底地,根本地

Earnest: 真诚的

Multicultural: 多元文化的

Gigantic: 巨大的

Emphasis on: 强调

Validity: 准确性,有效性

Dedication: 奉献

Plausible: 貌似真实的

Precede: 在…之前

Spectral : 光谱的

Thrash : 捶打

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