
你可能在【写作技巧】如何写好影评 一文中学会了怎样去区分事实与观点,和一篇影评中要包含的几大要素。读完本文,你会学习到一些用于形容电影类型、描述演员和表达对电影的看法所需的词汇。


  1. Action movie: 动作电影
  2. Comedy: 喜剧
  3. Crime movie: 犯罪电影
  4. Documentary: 纪录片
  5. Horror movie: 恐怖片
  6. Sci-fi movie: 科幻电影
  7. Animated movie: 动画片
  8. Martial art movie: 武术片
  9. Fantasy movie: 奇幻电影

  1. Cast: 演员表
  2. Character:角色
  3. Actor: 演员
  4. Actress: 女演员
  5. Lead actor/actress: 男主角/女主角
  6. Supporting actor/actress: 男/女配角
  7. Extras:群众演员
  8. Cameo role:客串出演

  1. Scene:场景
  2. Director:导演
  3. Producer:制片人
  4. Screenwriter:编剧
  5. Soundtrack:配音
  6. Trailer:预告
  7. Cinematography:摄像
  8. Costume:服装
  9. Stunt: 特技动作
  10. Subtitle: 字幕

  1. true-to-life (a real story) :生动(真实事件)
  2. classic : 经典的
  3. remarkable (unusual): 伟大的(特殊的)
  4. masterpiece (the best work someone has done) : 杰作(某人最好的作品)
  5. Oscar-winning: 奥斯卡影片
  6. brilliant: 精彩的
  7. come out: 结局
  8. ordinary: 原创的
  9. disappointing: 令人失望的
  10. cliché: 老套的
  11. thought-provoking: 发人深省的
  12. spectacular: 壮观的
  13. breathtaking:  惊险的

  1. I always remember the ______ of the men walking on lake.
  2. Without _______, I have hard time to understand the dialogues because of the accent.
  3. The film got a brilliant __________, there are so many excellent actors and actress in it.
  4. Jonny Depp is the ________in Pirates of the Caribbean Series.
  5. Many famous actors start their career with playing _____.
  6. Breakfast at Tiffany’s _________in 1961. It’s one of Audrey Hepburn’s __________.
  7. The theme of this movie is __________, nothing innovative or interesting at all.

  1. I always remember the _stunt of the men walking on lake.
  2. Without _subtitle, I have hard time to understand the dialogues because of the accent.
  3. The film got a brilliant __cast__, for there are so many excellent actors and actress in it.
  4. Jonny Depp is the _lead actor in Pirates of the Caribbean Series.
  5. Many famous actors start their career with playing extras.
  6. Breakfast at Tiffany’s _came out in 1961. It’s one of Audrey Hepburn’s _masterpieces_.
  7. The theme of this movie is _cliché_, nothing innovative or interesting at all.

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