英语学习 英语学习者需要知道的十句经典名言   1、What is language for? some peopleseemto think it's for practicing grammar rules andlearninglists of words――the longer the words thebetter.that's wrong. language i.

英语学习 英语学习者需要知道的十句经典名言


  1、What is language for? some peopleseemto think it’s for practicing grammar rules andlearninglists of words――the longer the words thebetter.that’s wrong. language is for the exchange of ideas,forcommunication.


  2、The way to learn a language istopractice speaking it as often as possible.


  3、A great man once said it is necessarytodill as much as possible, and the more you apply it inrealsituations, the more natural it will become.


4、Learning any language takes a lotofeffort. but dont give up.


  5、Relax! be patient and enjoyyourself.learning foreign languages should be fun.


  6、Rome wasn’t built in a day.workharder and practice more. your hardworking will be rewarded bygodone day. god is equal to everyone!


  7、Use a dictionary and grammarguideconstantly. keep a small english dictionary with you at alltime.when you see a new word, look it up. think abouttheword――use it, in your mind, in a sentence.


  8、Try to think in englishwheneverpossible. when you see something, think of the english wordof it;then think about the word in a sentence.


  9、Practice tenses as much aspossible.when you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.


  10。I would also like to learn moreaboutthe culture behind the language. when you understand theculturalbackground, you can better use the language.


英语学习 快速学好英语的6点方法技巧
