一堂看似平常的课,一个“Building and Decoration of the Forbidden City(紫禁城的建筑和装饰)的话题”,由Celia老师带领同学们经过巧设计,精心排练,于11月18日下午以情景剧的方式表现出来。他们幽默诙谐的演绎,使得原本沉闷的历史话题变得生动起来,同学们流畅、纯正的口语表达、略显青涩但逼真的表演,使得课堂的气氛十分活跃。

一堂看似平常的课,一个“Building and Decoration of the Forbidden City(紫禁城的建筑和装饰)的话题”,由Celia老师带领同学们经过巧设计,精心排练,于11月18日下午以情景剧的方式表现出来。他们幽默诙谐的演绎,使得原本沉闷的历史话题变得生动起来,同学们流畅、纯正的口语表达、略显青涩但逼真的表演,使得课堂的气氛十分活跃。



Guide:Welcome come to the Forbidden City.I’m your guide.Now the Forbidden City is in front of you .(学生事先把紫禁城画在了黑板上)Do you have any questions about the Forbidden City?

Tourist:YES!when was it built?

Guide:OK.It’s a good question.The Forbidden City started to be built in 1407.

Tourist: Why the main color is yellow??

Guide:Yellow is the symbol of the royal family ,it is the main color in the Forbidden City.

Tourist:Where did the stones come from?

Guide:All stones were carried from Fangshan,a place near Beijing.


Tourist:Where is the lenggong(冷宫)?

Guide:额……It’s far away from here.

Tourist:Do you know how many wives did the emperor have?

Guide:It was said that the emperor have3,000 wives.

Tourist:Can you introduce the history of the Qing Dynasty?

Guide:Did you watch the TV show zhenhuanzhuan(甄嬛传)?It’s like that.



