
其实学校里有很多机会能够锻炼你的领导能力,比如学生会的职位,学生代表,课代表等等。但很多人的领导才能被“演讲恐惧症”所埋没了。其实很多人都会有“演讲恐惧症”,但如果你想要成为一个优秀的领导者,就必须要克服这个恐惧。 要如何才能自信地在同学面前做演讲呢?下面的演讲技巧或许可以帮到你。

Hello, my name is Ben, and I want to be class president. Let me tell you about myself. I like all of my school subjects, and my favorite one is science. I like doing experiments in science labs. In fact, I worked in the lab as an assistant last summer. My lab manager said that I’m a responsible and organized person, because I always made sure everything was in the right place.

Moreover, I’m friendly to all my teachers and classmates. I like helping others. My friends say that I’m easy-going.

I want to be class president. If I could be elected, I would organize class events and listen to all students’ suggestions. Please vote for me!


大家好,我是Ben, 我想竞选班长。让我来介绍一下我自己。我喜爱所有的学科,我最喜爱的是科学。我喜欢在实验室里做实验。我去年暑假在实验室里做过实验室助理。我的实验室经理说我是一个负责任的,有条理的人,因为我总是将物品都整理得整整齐齐。




1.I hope all of you should believe in me and vote for me.


2. …+ are my personal interests.


3. Speaking of my interests, I like…


4.  If I could be given the chance to be the class president, I would…


5. As a …., I will ensure that you have a memorable year.

“作为一名…., 我将保证大家一起渡过一个难忘的学年。”


1.Be prepared and practice. 做好准备,多加练习


2.Keep eye contact with your audiences. 与你的观众保持眼神交流


3. Make the speech brief and easy to be understood. 演讲尽量简短并且通俗易懂


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